Black Label Cigars
BLC Volume 5 - Veteran's Box of 10 Cigars
BLC Volume 5 - Veteran's Box of 10 Cigars
Introducing our Nicaraguan Maduro 7X70 cigar - a full-bodied, bold, and sophisticated smoking experience designed for the discerning aficionado. This cigar offers a powerful and smooth taste profile, blending earthy tones with subtle hints of sweet spice and a dash of vanilla. The Cuban seeded tobacco from Nicaragua lends a distinct, deep fragrance that sets this cigar apart. Measuring at 7X70, it's wrapped in a Maduro leaf, contributing to its strong character. Originating from Nicaragua, this cigar pairs excellently with a robust whisky or a full-bodied red wine. Non-alcoholic alternatives could be a deep, dark chocolate or a strong, black coffee, complementing the cigar's earthy tones and hints of sweet spice. Experience the bold strength and rich aroma of our Nicaraguan Maduro 7X70 cigar.